DAY 1: 02/21/2025
Virtual Kick-Off & Meet & Greet​​
Outlining goals, timelines, and themes.
Participants networking, Q & A.
DAY 2: 02/22/2025
Team Formation & Registration​
Team Participants: Submit Team Name, Member Names, Project Idea.
Solo Participants: Register under a temporary “No-Team” name and propose their ideas for potential team matching.
DAY 3: 02/23/2025
Internal Review by the Committee​
Review all proposed ideas, and team combination
Provide feedback (adjust themes, combine teams, etc.)
Final approval will be granted for viable ideas.
DAY 4: 02/24/2025
Reserved for participants​​
Incorporate Feedback, work on idea.
DAY 5: 02/25/2025
Detailed Idea & Mock Design Submission​
Submit a detailed description of idea .
Submit a mock design by the end of the day.
DAY 6: 02/26/2025
Final Review by Committee​
Determine which ideas progress to Development Stage
DAY 7: 02/27/2025
Development Phase​
Teams to develop approved ideas.
DAY 8: 02/28/2025
Final Development and Submission
Final submission by evening
Judging commences on the Evening.
Winner Announcement.